Yongji Wu


I am a first-year second-year third-year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Duke University, where I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Danyang Zhuo and Prof. Matthew Lentz. Before that, I received my Bachelor degree from the School of the Gifted Young at University of Science and Technology of China in 2020, where I worked with Prof. Defu Lian.

My current research interests include datacenter networks and machine learning systems. I have also worked on data mining, recommender systems and differential privacy before.


Dec 10, 2022 Our latest work on remote procedure calls as a managed service is accepted by NSDI 2023.
Nov 2, 2022 Our latest work on serving machine learning inference workflows on heterogeneous infrastructures is accepted by VLDB 2023. [paper]
Nov 24, 2021 Our work on poisoning attacks to local differential privacy protocols for key-value data is accepted by USENIX Security Symposium. [paper]
Feb 23, 2021 I start an internship at Microsoft Research Asia, Shanghai, advised by Dr. Dongsheng Li
Jul 15, 2020 I join Alibaba DAMO Academy as research intern, advised by Dr. Hongxia Yang.